Let’s ramble…

It’s late spring, almost summer. I always feel new energy when the seasons change. And this year seems to be an emergence from the awful pandemic years.

My thinking – I want color and vibrance in my world. Recently I went into my closet and removed all black-predominant dresses and blouses. Of course I left one, a Highlands wrap dress, on reserve for, can I say it, a funeral…

Recent makes…

Tessuti Margot pants, wide leg variation
FibreMood Augusta shirt
Style Arc Albie shirt
New Look 6352 shift variation

A couple weeks ago I went into Nordstrum Rack looking for a bra. It’s only ten minutes from my house, but I don’t often shop RTW. It was a successful shopping foray, but that’s for later. What impressed me on entering was that everything was black or grey. I swear, if I see another black legging/tee shirt combo, no matter the body shape, I’ll lose my cool 🙂 Of course I will see this again – a couple of generations of women behind me live in them. How depressing, and, IMHO, how unattractive. I used to lament the tight muffin tops of women when I lived in Miami. Current trends eclipse the latter … and make me long for that time!

I’m curious about men’s reaction to the trend. Lately, I think, men have surfaced as the most fashion-centric demographic. Well, that’s OK and good on them. I’m a fan.

Quite a ramble, right! Enough said, I love color and the attraction of interesting designs in both patterns and fabric. Glad I can sew! Thoughts?

Ciao, Coco

22 thoughts on “Let’s ramble…

  1. What I find the most worrisome is the Race to Sameness. Is this Social Media’s doing? Let’s all do the same thing just to show the world that Hey, I Can Do That Too! If so, then please Unsubscribe Me…. Where are the true eccentrics of the world? Let me raise my hand — I Wear Color and I cannot lie ❣️ (OK, that last bit was borrowed from Sir-Mix-A-Lot)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Black is tricky for most people. I think if one has a naturally high value contrast, say between skin and hair, it can look great. Leggings are another matter. In my family we jokingly like to say “Spandex is not a right, it’s a responsibility.”

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  3. Thanks for the inspiration.A much needed reminder to dress with intention. I am going to reevaluate my wardrobe. I think I lean toward brown/beige/grey because they feel “safe,” but then I think my clothes are boring and unflattering. Not a fan of the current trend towards the “capsule wardrobe” with only 3 colours, generally quite muted.

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  4. Coco, I couldn’t agree more with you about the NEED for color in our clothing. I recently read that black is NOT a flattering color on anyone really, because it stops the eye from moving around a garment. I’m not explaining it well, but I just discarded nearly every black item from my closet. I need light, soft, cool colors. Someone with warm coloring will look good in other colors, but please, give us a rest from all that black. And white is a non-color that doesn’t look good on a lot of people.

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    1. I did this, too! Even all the black shoes and handbags went! I did this over 10 years ago, and I’ve never looked back. I haven’t once wished I still had some black. Even in winter I still wear colors. My “neutrals” are white, winter white, navy, and deep bitter-chocolate brown, but nowadays I don’t wear those last two very much. I wear pinks, lavenders, pastel greens, yellows, peachy oranges, and lots of prints. I have even brightened up my makeup.

      It’s such a shame to see all those dull blacks, grays, beiges, and taupes that nearly everyone wears. It’s as if they’re trying to erase themselves and blend into the background. I grew up in the 60s and 70s and people wore lots more colors then. I don’t know what happened.


  5. I am the one with the dark dreary closet content. I think it has something to do with not wanting to be seen. My husband is the very outgoing and full of color in his life type of guy. If I ask him to pick something from my stash for my next make, he finds the most colorful thing he can. I will make a top from it thinking it is too much for me, but when I wear it I get compliments. Hmmm………maybe you (and he) are right!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I so agree, I love color!

    I also get so fussed when I see the “uniform” of leggings and a short t shirt on those bodies that have me thinking…”really? That’s the best you could do?” I’m glad I just think it cuz sometimes I have to bite my tongue!

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  7. Love all the colours! I agree… I’m sick of looking at people in leggings and if I see any more black anywhere (or brown.. can’t abide brown for most things). …

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  8. I love your ramblings and I love your blog. I rarely comment but I always read and enjoy. Thank you and keep it up. Also, please continue to post on Pattern Review.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. 80 years young. Recently lost sight in left eye. After 50 years of not sewing, your posts encourage me to take it up again. My simple 55 year old RICCAR sewing machine still works. Altho threading a needle is difficult with no depth perception. Thanks for fun and inspiring posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m right behind you in age. My grandmother, the master of all things needlework, once had a Riccar and she considered it a good machine. The depth perception is a tough one. I hope you find ways to work around that so you can enjoy sewing again. Maybe you could pick up an inexpensive second machine that has a few special features that you might enjoy.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. i appreciate your reply. My sewing friends have told me there are self threading machines that would be a great feature!


    2. I’m 83, lost my left eye 28 years ago to ocular melanoma. Threading the sewing machine needle no problem with 1. LED sewing machine strip lights that stick to the machine, and 2. Moisten the thread end with your tongue/lips then draw it between dry fingers to form a slim point THEN, IMPORTANT, lick your left thumb and swipe it over the needle hole before inserting the thread through it. For some reason, moistening the needle hole, whether machine or hand needle, makes threading so much easier. I read this somewhere not long ago, not my own discovery. LED strip lights available at Amazon and elsewhere.


  10. Your fabric choices are, as always, interesting, unusual and fabulous. The shift is something I would like in summer when it gets too hot to be comfortable in slacks. Where did you find the butterfly print? I love it.

    I’m in a similar space with regard to having a preponderance of black and gray in my wardrobe. I just bought some pretty floral tops and intend to make slacks in green or teal. Bring on the colors!

    Regarding tights, I’m always happy to see people running around as though they are going to the gym although personally I only wear them when actually preparing to exercise. My mom would come back to haunt me if I went shopping in anything less than a carefully considered outfit. :^)

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  11. I have always loved colors and have been selecting more of them in recent years. I love florals from my 1950’s youth and wild geometrics from the awesome 1970’s. Wearing them makes me feel younger and totally brightens my day.

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  12. I couldn’t agree with you more. I never wear black and everytime I try it depresses me. I love color too and always wear it proudly.

    Liked by 1 person

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